Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Career Goals

When I think of music I would think of artists like Marvin Gaye, Luther Vandross, Al Green, Sade and various other artist. Ultimately I think of my grandmother as well. Her sense of musical taste was something that has been instilled within myself. There's my mom of course with her musical style as well; it was a mixture between the two. One would be more of a mellow/vibe feel, while the other would be of a more up beat, all in your face type music. It was something that worked well; like peanut butter and jelly. While having those type of musical backgrounds it helped me discover what appeals to my musical tastes, artists like: Frank Ocean, Frank Sinatra, Outkast, Queen, Lil Wayne, A$AP Rocky, Kendrick Lamar and more. This alone has sparked my interest in going into the Radio Industry or entertainment.

A certain career goal I have for myself is being able to be apart of the radio/entertainment industry. Once I've been adjusted to this lifestyle and mechanics of it all, I would then like to have my own station. In this station I would use my tools from being a Campus Ambassador and General Program Dj. The main premise of it all would be having this station and using it as a safe space with other studios with video production, more recording studios and some camera material. Being able to work with kids is something that's always worth while and showing and educating them the safeties of the internet and how to make their own brands. While volunteering for 90fm http://90fm.org/ we also host one of the largest Trivia Show in the midwest, including live musicians and playing all day everyday. I can use my personal experiences while Djing at the school's radio station and the skills from an actual staton and mashing my two experiences together. This will allow me to make a persona for myself and people with the same ideals that I have when it comes to youth and showing them how to be tech savvy in all areas.

I want to do this, because now there are a lot of individuals who are out here making youtube channels, having a lot of success and the kids are always watching. So why not show them how to do it and people can watch them or if they're interested in other things like photography or editing those are options that are there too. I think having the mixture of both would be good, because I'd still be doing something I love;  playing music and being heard, along with helping out those who are the audience instead of the star.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

UWSP Being Home- Blog Post #2

Middle School Students visiting campus

Expanding on why I choose Stevens Point was the feeling of home. Even though I'm from the larger city of Milwaukee, Stevens Point (this little city) to be my home. Like I was saying Milwaukee is way larger than Stevens Point; hence being said the tempo of both of the cities. With the more fast paced environment I assumed that UWM (one of the local UW schools) I wouldn't focus as much as being home, because everything moves so fast within the city. Stevens Point being the smaller school and city its more slower and I was more able to concentrate on my work and be a little bit further from home, but still remaining within Wisconsin. 

The attached image above is a bit of two things that I'm involved within the University. The first one is being a Campus Ambassador on campus. Essentially, I give tours to local schools or any area school within Wisconsin or outside. Most days at work I'm working inside of our Hub, but where the magic happens is when specialty days like "viewpoint, admitted student and tour days." These are the days when I get to show the kiddos or young adults a glimpse of what it's like being a student here at the University. Along, with outside visitors from other schools that visit, they normally stay the night in the ResHalls and really get the experience as a "College Student." I've gone through the sam thing with staying the night. Being able to share my experiences and explain on whats going on is a wonderful feeling Another job that I have on campus is being a general program DJ for our school's radio station 90fm. With the radio station I play music, promotions and speak on live on air breaks. This organization that the school offers through our Communication department allows me to be as creative as possible with my music choice, since music and radio entertainment are certain fields I'd like to get into. 

Having that feeling on "being a student," makes you more excited to go to College! So, when students come to campus and I hold conversations with them, most aren't thinking of College. Especially from my hometown and I know them personally. Getting able to give that advice on how to handle college is an amazing experience to go through! It's definitely a growth that you go through personally, because people really shape one another. 

Stevens Point will forever and always be my home away from home. Days when I go home over the week or when summer break comes, those are the days I wish I was in Point. Whether thats hanging out with my friends, going to my favorite places around town, or seeing the leaves change colors in the Fall. Stevens Point will continue to be my home. Even if I'm 200,000 miles away. 

Monday, February 4, 2019

Why I choose to Attend UWSP

Attending the University of Wisconsin Stevens-Point was a hit or miss for myself. I've thought of College during my senior months in High School and the obstacles I would face during this monumental moment in my life! Being the only male in my entire family, but this weight on my shoulder that I would have to carry to make sure I had what it takes to graduate and make it in the working world. Stevens Point was only the real University that accepted me within the UW-system, but being able to have connections within the school and working with the faculty they helped me achieve this goal of mine. Not only did Stevens Point give me a chance, but it was a University that accepted lower ACT scores along with multiple attempts to readmit them. Also, it gave me just enough distance to be away from home, but still be close to my family. During my years of being a student and now senior at the University it gleamed a knew light on me.

UWSP STAR Ambassadors 

Now being a student worker as an Ambassador through the admissions department has added more reason on why I attended the University as a whole. The same people who gave me the opportunity of being in school accepted me as a worker and it has changed my life forever! Meeting people from all areas of Wisconsin and people from areas like Maryland, D.C., Nevada and over seas. Other than being an Ambassador I'm also a counselor for the Multicultural Leadership Camp. This allows students from the Milwaukee area and parts of the D.C. area. 

Being able to share stories with one another and sharing the college experience is the best thing to offer when High School juniors and seniors show interest in higher education. Sometimes the road is bumpy, but it'll all smoothen out in the long run! College is what you make it to be; make it the best possible!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Journal #2: My Playlist

Recognize- Partynextdoor ft. Drake
If you are a fan of Drake you might have heard of Partynextdoor or The Weeknd. They fall into the group Drake formed called OVOXO. The reason I like these artists is because they all have this type of flow I tend to like that puts me in a certain mood that puts me in "Chill mode." Its like a sexy feel like the smooth guy that always gets the girl in the end. It sort of ties how I met my girlfriend. I found out these artists from my friends when coming to college and my girlfriend as well. My playlist shows that I am really this cool guy who's just laid back and nothing really goes on I just sit back, relax, and

Journal #2: My favorite Movie

One of my favorite movies is Kingsman the Secret Service. I have seen this movie at least twice and I love every scene and action scene within this movie. This is my favorite movie, because who doesn't who doesn't like a good spy movie? It's my favorite, because it's not like like all spy movies with James Bond or Jason Bourne.

Journal # 2: Is it appropriate to break up with someone via text message

Personally I don't think breaking up over text is the best thing. I say this, because it shows a line of disrespect and that you really didn't care about that person at all. If a person wants to leave the relationship I believe that he/she should meet in person to make it easier for the break up. I feel as though if people break up over text it makes it easier for themselves.If your looking towards long term relationships stay to it, but don't break up with some that you been with for almost 9 years and call it quits, because y'all formed this bond that was unbreakable and he/she broke that trust. Being able to tell the person face to face is better choice to make, because you're showing respect towards that person. In all honesty break up face to face instead over text because it shows that you will show some empathy and not give off a rude feeling.
Feelings is the main thing that evolves around a break up I know I wouldn't allow for something that low to be towards my break up.  I take feelings into consideration, because I know how it would feel if I got my feelings hurt like that especially over technology. Break ups should be face to face not screen to screen, voice to voice, or word to word. Everyone deserves dignity when it comes to breaking up it's a line of respect and respect is everything when it comes to breaking up whether its in person or over text messaging. The only way I would say it's acceptable if the person cheated and he/she did you terribly wrong and also if there's distance between you two and you don't want to travel all the way for a break up. If you wanna break up with someone make it thoughtful and being respectful to the second party.

Monday, April 6, 2015

The Incredibles

The Incredible's family has been shunned out by the society they have lived in. Living in a world were superheros aren't welcome any more is something hard to swallow as I see in Mr. Incredbile. I see a man who wants to keep helping others while his wife wants to live this normal life with her three other children. Soon seeing that it was more than being a superhero it was also about being a family man too and coming together. Mr. Incredible didn't have that connection with his family, because he was always looking to do good in a way.